CYTOPROCESSOR® is presenting a pallet of colorful cells showing LSIL with koilocytosis and the presence of Actinomyces, thanks to an adaptable staining protocol. Crispy details of the cells and its nuclei is key for making a reliable diagnosis and higher sensitivity.
Remote working or teleworking is a huge advantage of Digital Cytology with CytoProcessor.
All you need is an internet connection to make a connection with the LIS-system of your laboratory. A 4HD-screen is recommended to diagnose the digitized and analysed slides with CytoProcessor.
CytoProcessor® can be used with Hologic ThinPrep or ILSA preparation and 3DHISTECH scanners and it will be available soon on other scanners. Stay tuned.
– Annette Hamminga, Digital Cytology Expert CTIAC at Datexim.
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