DATEXIM’s solution CytoProcessor® has a tool to measure the Ø nuclei in µm and brings therefor more precise diagnosing to reduce the number of under- and overdiagnosing.
ASC-US is the most common given abnormal diagnosis in the pre-screening for Cervical Cancer.
The differences between reactive changes of the nuclei and ASC-US are not always evident to estimate with the human eye, even not with Digital Cytology.
The criteria for ASC-US are well described as followed: mature cytoplasm, nuclei are 2,5 to 3 times the size of an intermediate nucleus (8µm), finely evenly distributed chromatin and/or some cells with HPV effect, like koilocytosis.
👉 Example of ASC-US
Reactive changes of the nuclei, 1,5 to 2 times the size of an intermediate nucleus, could be caused by inflammation of pathogens like bacterial vaginosis, Candida, Trichomonas vaginalis, etc.
👉 Example of reactive changes of the nuclei due to Candida
CytoProcessor® can be used with Hologic ThinPrep or ILSA preparation and 3DHISTECH scanners and it will be available soon on other scanners. Stay tuned.
Interested in DATEXIM’s solution for Digital Cytology? Look at
– Annette W. Hamminga , Digital Cytology Expert CTIAC at Datexim
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